What insurance do you take?

We are in network with Anthem, BlueCross BlueShield, United Healthcare, Optum, and Oscar. If your insurance is not listed or you are uninsured, we may still be able to offer you a variety of psychological services. Contact us today and see what we can do for you.

I have never done therapy before. What can I expect?

Our first session is dedicated to assessing biological, psychological, and social experiences that are contributing to unwanted emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.

After our first session, the following are designated to your processing. we will identify personal goals to work towards that you while considering culture and experiences. Typically, we would meet weekly at first then consider bi-weekly, monthly, or as needed.

What do you mean by increase body awareness?

Body awareness is how conscious and connected you are to your own body. By learning to recognize and listen to your body’s cues with triggers we can increase your ability to respond in effective ways.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a virtual session with your therapist. Using a secure and HIPAA compliant platform, telehealth sessions are a convenient way to meet.

Whether it is in the comfort of your own home, office space, or a different location telehealth allows the convince of familiarity, limiting driving, or possibly increase your chance of having a session that you would otherwise not be able to make because of your schedule.

Who can use Telehealth?

Currently telehealth is available to residents of Texas and New Mexico where your therapist is licensed. Some if not most insurance plans are covering telehealth services. Availability to use telehealth may vary based on your specific benefits plan. All clients who are private pay will have access to the telehealth option if desired.

What is my co-pay?

Depending on your insurance plan and benefits all co-pays will vary. Therapy sessions qualify as general appointments, not specialty care. Typically, whatever your regular doctor appointments are, chances are that would be the same for a counseling session. Once provided detailed information, we are able to help verify your benefits.

How often will we meet for therapy?

We recommend beginning your therapy journey with one visit per week. This way, your therapist can get to know you and begin building a relationship.

However, we understand that weekly visits may not work for everyone given life circumstances or commitments. If this is the case, we will work with you to determine what works best and will offer our clinical recommendation as well.

What is Solution Focused Therapy?

Developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, SFT is a short term goal-focused evidence-based therapeutic approach, which incorporates positive psychology principles and practices, and which helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems.

As a whole it is a future oriented and hope building catalyst for sustainable desired change.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is “The awareness that emerges through paying attention, in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment.”

-Jon Kabat-Zinn

It is an intentional action we make in order to help focus on the present and the here and now. With building awareness in the moment we are able to increase clarity during threatening situations and become more able to respond productively.